
想知道如何支付大学学费? 我们可以帮你想办法. 在赌场捕鱼网投, we understand that education is an investment and students have always been our greatest investment. Lincoln is committed to helping a greater number of academically qualified students graduate than ever through our scholarship offerings. 奖学金 are “non-repayable” aid and Lincoln offers several different types of scholarships to help defray the cost of attendance for freshmen, 转移, 国际新生.




  • Most scholarships are based on the applicant's academic or extracurricular record, 而有些则是基于其他标准. Satisfying the initial criteria listed does not guarantee that a student will receive an award.
  • Applicants who 提交 a scholarship application will be considered based on available funding each year.
  • 林肯资助的奖学金永远不会“退还”,“未使用的资金不能结转到后续学期.
  • Lincoln-funded merit scholarships align with the University’s strategic vision and encourage academic leadership and professional development. Students that receive merit scholarships are committed to academic excellence and participate in a variety of enrichment opportunities, 包括社区服务.
  • 以免错过可能的奖学金机会, please become familiar with the information regarding the scholarships’ requirements, 奖励金额, 和最后期限.
  • Students requesting scholarships must complete a scholarship application and must also 提交 a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) by the deadline listed for each scholarship. International applicants applying for the international scholarship are not required to 提交 a FAFSA.
  • 奖学金将在所有其他联邦, 状态, 私人, 外部资源已经被赌场官方网投到一个学生的账户上.